Causes of Pain At The Back Of The Knee

As specific causes of pain behind the knee require a trip to the emergency room, pay attention to the type of pain you feel. Look out for blood clots, leg numbness and fatigue, and swelling-related fever and redness. Blood clots can be assessed rapidly, and tingling or numbness that makes it difficult to walk is often a sign of going to the ER. Although there are many causes of swelling in the knee, it may be a symptom of an infection in extreme cases, so it is a good idea to seek medical treatment. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common causes of pain in the back of the knee.
Meniscus Tear
Meniscus tears are among the most common knee injuries, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. The meniscus between the thigh and shin bones serves as “shock absorbers.” According to the academy, someone with a torn meniscus could hear a “pop” along with pain, stiffness, and trapping or locking the knee.
Arthritis and Gout
Arthritis and gout, inflammatory arthritis, and a few other forms of arthritis may cause pain behind the knee. According to the Arthritis Foundation, osteoarthritis is the most common form and breaks down the cartilage or cushioning between joints. Psoriatic arthritis frequently leads to knee pain and autoimmune disorders such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.
Baker’s Cyst
It is named after William Morrant Baker, the surgeon who first identified it. As a collection of fluid that goes from the front of the knee to the back of the knee and is caused by arthritis or a meniscus tear. A Baker’s cyst is also a symptom of an underlying knee issue and can be very uncomfortable.
Hamstring Strain or Cramp
Sudden movement and overuse are two leading causes of pain due to a strain or cramp of the calf or hamstring behind the knee. This calf and hamstring pain is caused by movements that include pushing off or extreme knee bending. Both can be treated with ice, rest, gentle stretching, and anti-inflammatory medications. Still, if there is swelling or constant discomfort associated with this, one should take treatment to rule out blood clots. Although an orthopedist may handle this, if you can hold weight on your knee or are at risk of falling, then it’s time to go to the emergency room or seek physiotherapy.
Jumper’sJumper’s Knee
The Jumper’sJumper’s knee is, according to the Nemours Foundation, an “overuse injury.” For instance, when repeating irritating movements like jumping, hard landings, or changing directions too fast, athletes and children are particularly at risk of injuring this chord-like tissue. Per Nemours Base, these movements may cause strains, tears, and damage to the patellar tendon, also known as the jumper’s knee. A few signs of this injury include discomfort, stiffness, and even fatigue. A doctor may prescribe rest and ice In extreme circumstances or surgery.