What You Need to Know About Running and Body Composition

Running comes with several benefits, top of them being a clean bill of health. From sprinting to a marathon, you can have a wide array of running options. Running is also a popular exercise for weight loss. Can running help achieve your weight goals? These are some of the questions runners face before starting their running routine. Other important issues are what impact does your body composition have on running performance?
How body composition impacts running
You first have to understand how your body composition affects your speed as well as race time. Most runners set up goals such as increasing their speed and setting a personal best. Research was underway to find out whether body composition affects a race. Researchers approached the matter with a simple theory, and skeletal muscle mass has affects race time. Contrary to their opinion; skeletal muscle mass does not affect any training characteristics. It was found that body fat percentage has a significant impact on race and runners.
The result is defined: having more skeletal muscle does not give runners any clear advantage. Body fat percentage and training programs are linked with capability, endurance, and speed. The results above are valid in short distances such as sprints as well as marathons. Even short distance running is affected by body fat percentage. To summarize it all, a decrease in body fat percentage will help runners achieve the best time. How much loss a person targets should be based on the running they choose.
Will your current body composition prevent you from running?
Most people believe that to start running, they need to focus on losing weight. People should know that body fat percentage does not in any way affect oxygen uptake levels. Muscles still have the required energy to help get you going. Having an extra pound does not mean you shouldn’t start running. Excess weight does not mean you should be hindered aerobically. When it comes to people with weight issues, time, and training will help increase your running comfortability.
What changes should you expect?
Fat loss
When you have a running program, you begin to expend more energy regularly. If you keep your energy levels in shape, you will start to lose fat.
Muscle gain
Not every runner will gain muscles. This doesn’t mean you can’t gain muscles. While running, muscles such as calves, hamstrings, and quads will see change in the strength size.
One of the best benefits of running is your body starts burning more calories. You will also be able to stimulate the metabolic rate for more extended periods.
How to increase your body composition changes
By tracking your heart rate
Monitoring your heart rate will show you whether your running program is helping to boost muscle growth.
Eat the right foods at the right amount
Before you start running, you need to be eating enough food. The correct diet helps to replace the calories burned by the running routine. Ensure you reduce your fat intake and boost your protein. Fat intake should be 15 to 25 percent of daily energy intake.
Run longer, harder, and more often
Jogging 20 to 30 minutes three times a week will not help build body muscle. It would help if you had a duration of 45- 60 minutes of running 4 to 5 days a week.
Endurance running vs. sprinting
You will find people asking which is better, short distance or run distance running has better health benefits? Sprinters claim sprint routines help boost metabolism as well as providing an after-burn effect. On the other hand, long-distance runners claim this running burns more calories. The truth of the matter is that both endurance training and high-intensity training have positive changes in body composition.
If you haven’t decided on which type of running to go for, both create a positive change in body composition. Choose one method that appeals to you and suits your day to day routine.
How body composition influences your performance
Lean muscle mass- the higher your lean muscle mass percentage, the better protection your joints have. Your joints will support your body during your running routine if you have a high lean muscle percentage.
Hydration status- every runner should know their extracellular and intracellular levels. If you are not sufficiently hydrated, you will burden your kidneys. Sufficient hydration will ensure your muscles contract smoothly when taking your running routine.
Active and basal metabolic rate- You should know the number of calories/carbs you should eat in a day. For those who don’t know their body composition analysis, they are doing guesswork.
Cellular health- Once you have healthy cells, the fitter you are. Healthy cells hold more fluids as well as being more nutrient-rich.
How does running change a woman’s body?
Running will tone your legs and give women a perfect butt. For women looking to get rid of the extra fat at the top of their thighs, running is the solution. Running gives legs a terrific workout routine and ends your fat thighs. A downside to running is boobs will shrink, and this affects men also. Men and women lose weight off their chest once they start running. Women can still pull off an attractive cleavage by wearing a sports bra.
Women get great calf muscles just by taking up a running routine. You are likely to get shapely legs, and there is a downside to it. Skinny jeans will not be in your wardrobe as you won’t be able to fit in them. Having skinny boots, too, is out of the question for women. Your arms will also shrink. To prevent weedy arms, women should combine running with yoga. You can also go for a weight-bearing exercise that gives your arms a good workout.
Physical exercise increases the amount of deep sleep. It would be best if you run early in the day as it will help you sleep soundly and awaken refreshed. Overall, running makes you feel great. Running boosts confidence gives you energy, and helps you look more outgoing. For those who want to start running, set small and achievable goals. You will be tempted to go for a marathon run at first, don’t. Add a couple of minutes to your running routine and increase the rime gradually.
You will be running faster and longer in no time.