3 Ways Cats Communicate with Other Cats

While humans use languages to convey their thoughts to others, cats have three specific means of communicating with other fur babies of their kind. Cat expressions include vocalizations, body language, and chemical cues.
Cats have evolved over the years and have mastered the survival skills needed to get through challenges in current times. Feline fur babies have learnt to mew more gently to humans, so they get what they want (food, water, shelter, care, affection) with little effort.
Have you heard the sounds wild cats make? They most likely have hoarse, high-pitched, and unappealing tones. In contrast, domesticated cats have tuned their mewing style to suit their present circumstances.
However, if your kitty is excessively vocalizing or displaying aggressive behavior, you should take them to the vet. Early testing and treatment can save you both a lot of misery. With cheap pet insurance, your fluffy fur ball’s medical care can be taken care of during unanticipated health scenarios and emergencies.
If you want to purchase a pet policy, start by inquiring about the pet insurance cost, then request and compare quotes to check what fits in your budget and matches your munchkin’s health needs. In the meantime, read this article to learn briefly how your feline fur baby communicates with other cats.
1. Vocalization
It is the first feline communication skill that cat owners identify. Many cats mew or trill during introductions, whereas others can warn people or pets in the vicinity through their hisses or growls on feeling intimidated. Such negative behavior can quickly escalate to defensive conversations, aggressive snarls, spits, scratches, bites, and more if critter conflicts are not resolved right in the beginning.
One cat sound that can be difficult to decode is “Purring”. Many times, owners can get confused as to why their cat is purring because a cat purrs at all kinds of times, like when it is happy, sad, sick, loved, and even while rubbing on people and objects.
2. Body language
Another cat skill owners must ace at understanding. Mews and trills are not the only ways of greeting other creatures; cats can touch each other’s noses to say hello. Kitty cats can show affection by rubbing against each other’s body parts or curling their tail tips as a friendly gesture.
Rolling over on their back, slow blinking, tail crooking forward, tail held high are a few positive signs a cat can exhibit. In contrast, if a kitty’s ears flatten or turn to a side or a fur baby avoids eye contact or tucks its tail under the body, it is a sure sign of discomfort, fear, and stress.
When a fur ball feels threatened, cat owners notice signs like incessant hissing, ears flattened against the head, bristling fur, lashing tail, arched back and/or tail, etc. Before the hostility peaks, it is best to remove the triggers in your cat’s environment.
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3. Chemical cues
It is the most subtle form of cat communication—cats deposit pheromones on things they rub against, like humans, pets, other animals, or objects. In short, we can call it leaving scent trails or exchanging scents. These chemical cues allow a furry baby to recognize other furry members of the same group.
While this is one way to mark their territories, cats can also spray urine to draw boundaries, whether it is indoors or outdoors.
Well, these are the three traditional ways of feline communication. If you wish to know more about a kitty cat’s behavior, observe your cat’s responses to various stimuli. Constant supervising can help you spot abnormal cat conduct quickly. In a few cases, medical help can be necessary to correct the behavior and the health issues contributing to the behavioral issues.
Cheap cat insurance can help support your furry feline with required medical assistance during unanticipated vet visits. The pet insurance cost of cheaper policies is much less than those that provide comprehensive health coverage. So, consider purchasing an affordable pet policy asap.